Santal Engineers' Welfare Association     

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About SEWA

Santal Engineers Welfare Association (SEWA) is a platform where Santal Engineers are united to work for upliftment of poor and marginalized people of India. Members are Santals, who are  coming from such a society, experience the pain and problems of downtrodden people. Being engineers by profession, we are committed to work on various area that will improve the standard of living of adivasi in general.

SEWA has been registered at all India level with the registration number S-54001/2005 under the societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. All the donation to this association is exempted from Income Tax under 12AA(2) of IT Act,1961.




Promote a sustainable process to provide a progressive life to adivasis with self esteem and dignity by instilling sense of power, ability and wisdom through education, employment and community empowerment.



Transform adivasi society into a progressive and modern society yet retaining their unique social and cultural identity through the process of economic, educational and socio-cultural rejuvenation.

Improve standard of education and employability among adivasi youths through mentorship and proactive guidance and coaching.

Apply modern methods and scientific approach for rural development in the area of agriculture, cottage industry, health and social awareness.

Preserve environment and natural resources and also act as watchdog bridge between industry and affected people.



Values of Association

Members of the association being highly qualified and experienced professionally and managerially have resolved to make this a value based Institution. The values which shall form the basis of all activities are sacrosanct.

  Non-Profit Orientation

The association does not aim for profit generation. Social value addition is the primary focus. Generation of surplus (profit) is not the end but means for sustainability and funding further programmes. Members contribute whole heartedly keeping this as the fundamental principle.


  Voluntary Participation on the Concept on 'Paying Back to the Society"

Membership to the association is purely voluntary. Participation in the activities of the association is thus voluntary. Contribution to the association is without materialistic remuneration except self satisfaction of doing good for others. Every member believes in inculcating and promoting the virtue of “payback” to the society as a social responsibility.

  Democratic Spirit

Every tribal society is highly democratic in structure, functioning and values .Community participation in any social event is a unique feature. Here every member is equal. Official structure is just a means to steer the movement. Every member works as a team. Team spirit and relationship goes beyond the association to promote the bonding in society at large. Every activity is taken up by consensus.

  Professional Approach

All members are engineers combinely offer a vast pool of professional talents. Every problem taken up by the association commensurate with the vision and mission of the association and addresses the underlying causes rather than the symptoms. Our very focused approach and objective implementation leads to concrete end results that utilizes our effort and resources effectively. State of art technology along with professional skills are applied to implement and sustain the projects effectively.

  Social Entrepreneurship

Every initiative is executed as a startup company by itself. Members work on it dedicatedly and with huge passion with the objective of making this into a reality. Members working in this project build up hierarchy that ensures their responsibility and accountability based on their contribution and not based on their age. This philosophy brings mix of senior and junior members working together allowing them to put thoughts from different angles and involve each and everyone in the team to its fullest ability giving self-satisfaction. Due course they end of spending countless hours working on it keeping aside their own profession. The end result is bound to blossom that cherishes the ultimate goal of social service.


Structure of Association

   General Body of the Association is the final authority in all matters of the Association which is nothing but all the members of the association. The decision making process is always democratic and enables every member to opine openly and their opinions are valued with due respect.


   Elected Body The office of SEWA is driven by an elected body, which look after the day to day activities of the Association. They are sole responsible and accountable for driving the agenda of SEWA. Following positions are kept in the elected body, which are changed in every two years.

  • President

  • Advisor

  • Vice President (2)

  • General Secretary

  • Assistant General Secretary (3)

  • Treasurer

  • Assistant Treasurer

  • Secretary of Local Chapters

  • Bangalore

  • Baripada

  • Bhubaneswar

  • Bokaro

  • Delhi

  • Jamsedpur

  • Hyderabad

  • Kolkata

  • Mumbai

  • Nalco Nagar, Angul

  • Overseas

  • Rourkela

  • Visakhapatnam

   Governing Body

Each project or initiative is managed by a team leaded by the project leader. The project team along with elected body forms the governing body for a project and this governing body differs from project to project keeping the governing body as common to all.



Brief History

On 6th December 1992, it started with a small family get together at Rourkela which grew into an annual event. This spread to all over India and graduate engineers belonging to the Santal tribe formally formed it as an Association named as "Santal Engineers' Association". It could however be registered only in 2005 at all India level with the registration number S-54001/2005 under the societies Registration Act XXI of 1860.During the registration on the advice of the Registrar of societies the word “Welfare” was added. Therefore the name of the Association became "Santal Engineers' Welfare Association".

The membership is restricted to only graduate engineers or with equivalent qualification who believe with the aims and objects of the association. The activities however do not restrict to only Santal tribe but to all the tribes of India. This is the only association at all India level formed by the tribals for the tribals and of the tribals. The activities are directed to the welfare and overall development of the tribals of India.

So far there are about one thousand esteemed members spread all over India. There are ten chapters of the association namely Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Bokaro steel city, Delhi, Hyderabad, Jamshedpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, NALCO Nagar, Angul and Rourkela.

The registered office of the association is situated at Delhi but for all practical purposes the functional office is at Bhubaneswer that handles all the official work on a day to day basis.



Copyright Reserved @ 2021
Santal Engineers' Welfare Association   
Plot No: 242, Gorund Floor, K-2, Kalinga Nagar
Ghatikia, Bhubaneswar, Pin-751003